Standard Card Series

Dark Country Standard cards!

Standard cards is the next generation of Dark Country items. This packs sale started February 15th 2020 and had 2 stages. See the details here. There are 100 unique card types in the Standard cards series.

Standard card packs come with guaranteed rarity: Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical. See the details about the first Standard Cad Series Sale here.

Note: All cards stats (Attack, Health, Cost) are not final and will be updated during the balance test.


Destructive Horde Standard Cards

Slide the cards below. Click them to see the card titles.

Race Name Type Expansion Rarity Creature type Text Attack Health Cost
Destructive Horde Skeleton Creature Standard Common Undead 1 1 0
Destructive Horde Flesh Golem Creature Standard Common When another creature dies, gain +0/+1 2 3 3
Destructive Horde Intimidation Spell Standard Common Sacrifice Your creature, Give all your other creatures +2/+0 till the end of this turn 3
Destructive Horde The surgeon Creature Standard Common Undead LW: give +1/+0 to all friendly creatures. 1 1 1
Destructive Horde Reanimated priest Creature Standard Common Undead LW: give +0/+1 to all friendly creatures. 1 2 2
Destructive Horde Skeleton Archer Creature Standard Rare Undead Deploy: Deal 2 damage to target creature 3 3 4
Destructive Horde Bear Rider Creature Standard Rare Undead Fortify. Deploy: Deal 2 damage to your hero. 4 5 5
Destructive Horde Blood Wraith Creature Standard Rare LW: summon 2 skeletones 2 1 4
Destructive Horde Mother of death Creature Standard Rare Undead Deploy: destoy friendly creature, heal Your hero for 3 HP 6 6 6
Destructive Horde Raining Blood Spell Standard Epic Destroy creature, heal Your hero for it cost 5
Destructive Horde Enforcer Creature Standard Epic Undead Summon Skeleton for every creature it kills 5 6 7
Destructive Horde Dead Army Spell Standard Epic Fill your table by skeletons 7
Destructive Horde The tortured Creature Standard Legendary Fortify. LW: Destroy every creature who attacked it 2 6 5
Destructive Horde Cannoneer Creature Standard Legendary Each time this creature takes damage, deal 2 damage to enemy hero 4 10 7
Destructive Horde Sombra Lucia Creature Standard Mythical Undead Deploy: Destroy all wounded creatures. When another creature gets wounded destroy it 3 8 7

Slide the cards below. Click them to see the card titles.

Race Name Type Expansion Rarity Creature type Text Attack Health Cost
Ancestral Guard Fire Spirit Spell Standard Common Deal 4 damage to target creature or 2 two all enemy creatures 4
Ancestral Guard Ignition Spell Standard Common Deal two damage to target creature 1
Ancestral Guard Lightning Strike Spell Standard Common Deal 3 damage 2
Ancestral Guard Van Meter Monster Spell Standard Common Deal 7 damage to target creature or 4 to all enemy creatures 7
Ancestral Guard Bless Spell Standard Rare Draw two cards 3
Ancestral Guard Shadow Creature Standard Rare LW: Put a random spell into Your hand 1 1 1
Ancestral Guard Specter Moose Creature Standard Rare Ghost Deploy: Draw a card 4 2 4
Ancestral Guard Dark Watchers Creature Standard Rare Spell Damage +1 3 4 4
Ancestral Guard Old Chief Creature Standard Epic Can attack if spell was played this turn 10 10 7
Ancestral Guard Broken mirror Spell Standard Epic This is a copy of the last spell, You played
Ancestral Guard Succubus Creature Standard Epic Deploy: Set target creture’s health to 1 1 1 3
Ancestral Guard Beast of Busco Creature Standard Legendary Beast Spells cost 2 less 3 3 6
Ancestral Guard Fouke Monster Creature Standard Legendary When You cast a spell, deal 1 damage to enemy hero 1 7 5
Ancestral Guard Sylvia Creature Standard Mythical Get 3 random spells, they cost 0 4 7 10

Slide the cards below. Click them to see the card titles.

Race Name Type Expansion Rarity Creature type Text Attack Health Cost
Resolute Rangers Shovel Item Standard Common +1/+1 1
Resolute Rangers Axe Gun Item Standard Common +4/+0 Guardian 3
Resolute Rangers Barrel Creature Standard Common Fortify 1 2 1
Resolute Rangers Barricade Creature Standard Common Fortify. Spell immunity. Can’t attack 0 8 4
Resolute Rangers Duelist Creature Standard Common 3 2 2
Resolute Rangers Trapper Creature Standard Rare Has +2/+0 against beasts 3 5 4
Resolute Rangers Undertaker Creature Standard Rare LW: Put a shovel into Your hand 3 3 3
Resolute Rangers Zombie train Creature Standard Rare When you play item, deal 1 damage to all enemy’s creatures. 0 8 4
Resolute Rangers Sheriffs Gun Item Standard Rare +4/+2 5
Resolute Rangers Gunsmith Creature Standard Epic Your items cost 1 less 0 5 4
Resolute Rangers Easy rider Creature Standard Epic Fortify LW: Summon two barrels 5 3 6
Resolute Rangers Cowboy Creature Standard Epic Deploy: Equip random item from Your deck 2 3 6
Resolute Rangers Mayor Creature Standard Legendary Your other minions have taunt 6 6 6
Resolute Rangers Butcher Creature Standard Legendary Each time this creature takes damage it gains +1/+0 1 15 7
Resolute Rangers Burning Colts Item Standard Mythical `+8/+0. When wielder kills he can attack again 7

Slide the cards below. Click them to see the card titles.

Race Name Type Expansion Rarity Creature type Text Attack Health Cost
Cunning Crusaders Charon obol Spell Standard Common
Heal Your hero for 2 HP
Cunning Crusaders Bandit Creature Standard Common Deploy: Gain one Charon’s Obol 1 1 1
Cunning Crusaders Gambler Creature Standard Common Deploy: 50% chance to get two CO’s 4 4 4
Cunning Crusaders Silver bullet Item Standard Common Fatal Strike. +0/+1 3
Cunning Crusaders The Slaver Creature Standard Common Fatal Strike. Guardian. 1 1 3
Cunning Crusaders The horse thief Creature Standard Common Deploy: Gain one CO, if you played 2 CO’s this turn gain one more 1 1 2
Cunning Crusaders Escaped convict Creature Standard Rare Deploy: Mute target enemy creature. 2 1 3
Cunning Crusaders Assassin Creature Standard Rare Stealth. When this kills creature, it gains stealth. 3 8 6
Cunning Crusaders Witchhunter Creature Standard Rare Last words don’t trigger 5 5 5
Cunning Crusaders Dilligence Robbers Creature Standard Rare Frenzy 4 2 6
Cunning Crusaders Vengeful soul Creature Standard Epic At the end of a turn gain 1 CO 1 5 3
Cunning Crusaders Wild bunch Creature Standard Epic Every time You play CO, reduse this creatures cost by 1 10 10 15
Cunning Crusaders Bank Robber Creature Standard Epic Frenzy. When you play CO put the Bank Robber back into Your hand. 3 1 4
Cunning Crusaders The Preacher Creature Standard Legendary When you play CO, preacher gains +1/+1. 2 2 4
Cunning Crusaders Gunslinger Creature Standard Legendary When You play CO, deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures 4 7 7
Cunning Crusaders Devils ring Item Standard Mythical +6/+0 Destroy wielder at the end of Your turn, put this back to Your hand 4

Slide the cards below. Click them to see the card titles.

Race Name Type Expansion Rarity Creature type Text Attack Health Cost
Neutral Chupacabra Creature Standard Common Beast 1 2 1
Neutral Gator Creature Standard Common Beast 2 3 2
Neutral Ironclad Creature Standard Common Spell immune. Fortify. 1 5 4
Neutral Death seeker Creature Standard Common Has Fatal strike on enemies turn 1 2 2
Neutral Imp Creature Standard Common Frenzy 2 1 2
Neutral Peasant Creature Standard Common Stealth 1 3 1/1
Neutral Smuggler Creature Standard Common Deploy: Put random item into Your hand 3 3 4
Neutral Executor Creature Standard Common Deploy: Root target enemy creature 3 4 4
Neutral Free rider Creature Standard Common Native Deploy: Deal 1 damage to the target creature 4 2 5
Neutral Ghosts of Mariachi Creature Standard Common Ghost Give friendly ghosts +1/+1 3 6 6
Neutral Knife Item Standard Common +0/+1 0
Neutral Fork Item Standard Common +1/+0 0
Neutral Rusty gun Item Standard Common +3/+3 At the end of the turn destroy it 1
Neutral The Headless Horseman Creature Standard Common Ghost 4 4 4
Neutral Overseer Creature Standard Common Ghost 10 10 10
Neutral Grizzly bear Creature Standard Common Beast Fortify 8 8 8
Neutral Gamble with death Spell Standard Common Destroy random creature 4
Neutral Banjo man Creature Standard Rare Ghost Deploy: give target friendly creature +2/+0 4 4 4
Neutral Bate Creature Standard Rare Has +3/+0 on enemies turn 3 4 5
Neutral Drowned woman Creature Standard Rare Ghost Deploy: Destroy target creature’s items 3 3 3
Neutral Mogollon Monster Creature Standard Rare Beast Breakthrough 5 5 7
Neutral Blacksmith Creature Standard Rare Put Knife and Fork into Your hand 5 4 6
Neutral Sphinx Creature Standard Rare LW: Draw a card 4 3 5
Neutral Granny Creature Standard Rare Deploy: Put target friendly creature back to your hand 2 3 3
Neutral Swamp witch Creature Standard Rare Deploy: mute target enemy creature 4 4 5
Neutral Scorpion Creature Standard Rare Beast Fatal Strike 1 3 3
Neutral Black Cat Creature Standard Rare Beast LW: Add Black Cat to your hand 1 1 3
Neutral Burning Cow Creature Standard Rare Beast Frenzy 4 1 5
Neutral Buffalo Creature Standard Rare Beast Fortify 3 5 4
Neutral Fire Demon Creature Standard Rare Deploy: Deal 1 damage to everyone 5 6 6
Neutral Plague Doctor Creature Standard Epic Fatal strikes don’t work 2 3 3
Neutral Pale Nun Creature Standard Epic Deploy: Put target enemy creature back to it’s owners hand 4 4 5
Neutral Widow Creature Standard Epic Deploy: Mute target enemy creature 6 4 5
Neutral Fogman Creature Standard Epic Deploy: Friendly creatures gain stealth 6 7 8
Neutral Plague rat Creature Standard Epic Beast Frenzy. Fatal strike 1 2 4
Neutral Mustang Creature Standard Epic Beast Root 6 6 7
Neutral Chort Creature Standard Legendary Deploy: Summon Chorts heart 10 10 6
Neutral Chorts heart Creature Standard Legendary Cant attack. LW: Destoy Chort 0 4 0
Neutral Treant Creature Standard Legendary Deploy: Root all enemies 4 8 9
Neutral The Hive Creature Standard Mythical At the end of Your turn turn random adjasent creature into The Hive 5 5 6
Neutral Sinful Sheppard Creature Standard Mythical Deploy: Turn all other creatures into 1/1 Black cats 7 7 7

Thank you for inspecting Dark Country Standard Cards!